MZ-3A Airship Gets Reprieve

Source: Navy Lakehurst Historical Society

With funding literally almost gone, the Navy’s MZ-3A airship left Florida in late February. Destination…  Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst to be deflated and put into “mothballs”. The airship arrived at Lakehurst on the afternoon of Monday, February 27.

Upon arrival, the crew was sent to a conference room where it was learned via conference phone call that funding had indeed been extended and that the airship will be re-deployed in the next few weeks for another 3-6 month operational period.

The old phrase of “Deflate, Crate, Head for the Gate” has been cast aside yet again.

Source: Navy Lakehurst Historical Society

The following is a video of the MZ-3a as it flew over North Carolina on February 22, 2012.


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