- 30 pixels High X 126 pixels Wide = 3780 individual pixels
- 15 bit color = Palette of 32,768 colors (Day Visible Red only) Resulting mat size is 25 feet High and 53 feet Wide.
- Aspect ratio is approximately 4:3
- Full sign grid weight approx. 425 lbs.
- 86 pixels High X 144 pixels Wide = 12,384 individual pixels. 37,152 individual LEDs. 24 bit color = Palette of 16.8 million colors (Day Visible)
- Resulting mat size is 23.3 feet High X 39 feet Wide
- Aspect ratio is 1.67:1 (approx 16:9; HDTV Sized)
- Horizontal row: 144 pixels Wide / 8 Pixels per pixel board = 18 pixel boards Wide
- Vertical column: 86 pixel boards High
- Number of pixel boards required for this format is; 86 High X 18 Wide = 1548
- Each pixel position is made up of one RGB LED clusters
- Weight = Single Board weight = 0.09 lbs. Full Sign Board Weight = 399 lbs. (1,548 pixel boards)