By: Th. Mehlhorn
Home-made Zeppelin flown by an airship enthusiast in the Vogtland region lands on a farmer’s field.
Saxony, the final frontier. The year is 2014. These are the adventures of a UFO that with no crew flew six kilometers (3.75 miles) to finally land on the field of a Saxon farmer.
On January 6th at 14:06 clock the German Press Agency (DPA) reported: “An unidentified flying object has landed on a field behind the house of a Neumark farmer on Sunday evening.” Nobody was hurt, there was no damage, but: “At the moment, still no one has reported missing the object”, said a police spokesperson.
The Zeppelin before its short career as a UFO. After being repaired it will make its official maiden flight.
Photo: Thomas KrauseAre there really aliens out there? Das Bild sent out its investigators and found the man who built the UFO.
His name is Thomas Krause (35), an electrical engineer and autonomous airship researcher. With the purchase of a house in Neumark, Krause finally had enough space to build a Zeppelin himself. “The barn was my dry dock.” For months he tinkered with his Zeppelin, he ordered balloon fabric on the Internet, built an aluminum frame, attached three electric motors.
Electrical engineer Thomas Krause built the airship. The mishap occurred when he wanted to show it off to his sons.
Photo: Igor Pastierovic“On Sunday I finally filled it with helium for the first time,” said Krause. When he proudly presented the airship to his children(4 and 1), the mishap occurred. “A knot came loose and it flew out of the barn.
“I followed it for a while with my car, but as dusk arrived, I could no longer see it. I thought it had flown to the Czech Republic. I could not sleep that night. After all, the material of the airship alone is worth around 5,000 Euros (US$ 6,800).”
The escaped Zeppelin came down on this field on the outskirts of Neumark (Vogtland region).
Photo: Igor PastierovicThe following morning Krause learned through a co-worker that a mysterious UFO had been found in the neighborhood: The aircraft was on a farm six kilometers (3.75 miles) from Krause’s barn. “I called the police and told them ‘That is my Zeppelin’.”
That afternoon he picked up his Zeppelin. The “X-File: Sachsen” has been closed. But it is not over for Krause: “I want to continue with my project. Then, there will be a proper maiden flight – without crash landing.”
Source: Das Bild/