Principles of Aerostatics, a new book by John Taylor, a lighter-than-air flight test engineer and consultant.
Principles of Aerostatics presents the complete theory of static lift for airships, aerostats and balloons.
The book begins with an outline description of the various types of LTA craft, sets out the SI and United States Customary units used in LTA operations, and introduces the International Standard Atmosphere. The relationships between temperature, pressure and density in the atmosphere are derived from first principles, and thermodynamic processes and gas laws applicable to LTA flight are identified. Formulas for gross static lift (buoyancy), lifting gas weight, ballonet air weight and net static lift are then derived, followed by the exploration of the variation of static lift with atmospheric and airship parameters. Climb and descent are considered as adiabatic processes, and finally, the implications of flight above pressure height are explored. Worked examples are provided in SI and USC units, along with a program for the TI-83/84 calculator that enables users to explore aerostatics for themselves.
The author, John Taylor, is experienced as a lighter-than-air flight test engineer and consultant, and has flown Airship Industries Skyship 600, American Blimp A-60+, Loral (Goodyear) GZ-22 and US-LTA 138S blimps. He is a former chair of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Lighter-Than-Air Technical Committee, a founding member of the Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE) Technical Council, and a former member of the Airship Association Council.
Paperback 238 pages 25.4 x 17.8 cm 10″ x 7″
ISBN-10: 1494810530 ISBN-13: 978-1494810535
Available at for $24.50, at for ₤17.50, and at the European amazon web sites for about €23.00 (depending on the national VAT rate).
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