New pictures and video of the Army’s LEMV – Updated


Source : Aviation Week

Posted by Sean Meade

Graham Warwick sends in these photos of LEMV’s first flight..

LEMV First Flight

Source : Aviation Week

The U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command’s Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle returns from a successful first flight Aug. 7.

The Northrup Grumman LEMV during its maiden flight over New Jersey Photo Courtesy Danny Barbour

The Northrup Grumman LEMV during its maiden flight over New Jersey
Photo Courtesy Danny Barbour

The U.S. Army’s Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle flew for the first time from historic Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., on Aug. 7.
Photo: Northrop Grumman Corporation

Built by Northrop Grumman with major subcontractor Hybrid Air Vehicle Limited, the U.S. Army’s Long Endurance Multi-Intelligence Vehicle flew for the first time from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., on Aug. 7.
Photo: Northrop Grumman Corporation

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